Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Multi level marketing (MLM) for muslims and Islamic point of view

Multi level marketing (MLM) for muslims and Islamic point of view

The thought of entering into a multi level marketing business or job would seemed attractive to many as more people are finding it harder to land a job with the economic crisis.

1) As a muslim, what is your stand with this regard?

2) What does the Islamic scholars have to say about this?

The type of business based upon a pyramid scheme – or “multi-level marketing” as it is often called – is unlawful. The real objective of such a business is to obtain the commissions earned from introducing new members to the company and not to earn profits from the sale of the products themselves. At a time when the commissions may reach into the tens of thousands of dollars, the revenue collected from the sale of the products might only be a few hundred. Any person of sense who is given a choice in such a scheme will obviously go for the commission.

This is the reason why companies of this kind, when promoting themselves, depend so heavily on showing the large volume of substantial commissions that they are giving out. They attract customers by the promise of large returns against the payment of a relatively modest initial sum that is often represented as the “price of the product”. The product this company is marketing, however, is merely a pretext to obtain commissions and to profit from those commissions.

With this being the true nature of the business, the Islamic ruling on it is that it is unlawful. The reasons for it being unlawful are as follows.

1. It entails the two kinds of unlawful interest:

a. Ribâ al-fadl: the interest resulting from an exchange of like for like in an unequal manner

b. Ribâ al-nasî’ah: the interest that is paid in lieu of credit.

The subscriber is paying a smaller sum at present in order to obtain a much larger sum of money at a later time in exchange for it. This is essentially an exchange of one sum of money for another sum of money of a greater value with a time delay. This is unlawful interest, as stated clearly by the sacred texts and agreed upon by consensus.

The product that is sold by the company is only a pretext for the real exchange that is going on. It is not intended in and of itself, and thus does not have any affect on the ruling.

2. It entails an unlawful degree of transactional uncertainty (gharar)

This uncertainty results from the subscriber not knowing whether or not he can obtain the required number of new subscriber to obtain his commission.

This pyramid scheme, no matter how long it lasts, will eventually come to an end. The subscriber is going into this pyramid scheme not knowing where he ranks in it; whether he will be in one of the higher tiers that will receive large profits or in one the lower tiers that will lose out.

As a matter of fact, the majority of the subscribers will be losers and only a minority will profit. Thus, loss in such schemes predominates, and this is the nature of transactional uncertainty. Here is a case where there is uncertainty between two outcomes, the most likely of them being the worst.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade transactional uncertainty, as related by Abû Hurayrah who said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) forbade business transactions determined by the throw of a stone and business transactions involving uncertainty.” [Sahîh Muslim (1513)]

3. It entails taking the money of others falsely.

It is essentially only the company that profits along with those who persuade others by way of deception to hand over their money to the company.

Allah says: “O you who believe! Do not devour your wealth among yourselves falsely.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 29]

4. It entails deception and fraud.

The company deceives people by misrepresenting its product as its business, when the sale of the product is not its true goal. It also engages in deception by holding out the promise of substantial commissions to would-be subscribers, when such large commissions are for most subscribers not possible to achieve. This is unlawful deception.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “He who cheats us is not one of us.” [Sahîh Muslim (101)]

This business arrangement cannot rightly be described as a brokerage agreement

A broker receives a commission for the sale of a real product, while there is no real product being sold here. In fact, the subscriber in a multi-level marketing scheme is actually paying for the right to market the product.

Also, with a real brokerage contract, the purpose behind it is actually to sell the product, whereas in multi-level marketing, the purpose is to sell memberships and not the product itself. This is why a subscriber strives to market to others the right to market to others, so that they can in turn market to others the right to market to others ad infinitum.

In a brokerage agreement, by contrast, the broker is out to get the product sold to someone who actually wants to purchase it.

These commissions, likewise, cannot be described as gifts or bonuses

Even if we were to classify these commissions as gifts, Islamic Law would view them as unlawful gifts. Not all gifts are permitted by Islamic Law. For instance, the gift from a debtor to his creditor is considered usury.

This is why `Abd Allah b. Salâm, the eminent Companion, said to Abû Bardah: “You are in a land where the practice of interest is rife. Therefore, it someone is in debt to you and gives you a gift – say, a bail of straw, a load of barley, or a pile of feed – then that is interest.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3814)]

A gift takes the ruling of the purpose behind it. For this reason, when a Zakâh collector came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: “This is for you and this is what was given to me as a gift.”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) responded to this by saying: “Had you been sitting at home with your mother and father, would he have come to you and given you that gift?” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2597) and Sahîh Muslim (1832)]

The commissions given by the company in a pyramid scheme are given only on the basis of membership. Therefore, no matter what name we choose to give it, it will not affect what it actually is or the legal ruling that it takes.

The Permanent Committee in Saudi Arabia for Research and Fatwâ

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why I Hate MLM??

Read the truth about MLM, and find out if MLM really does deserve its industry standard status - the absolute truth exposed by an ex-MLMer, before you make your decision... see MLM exposed…

“I hate MLM and will tell you the raw truth about why you shouldn’t waste your time with any MLM or Network Marketing company….”

Unless you love doing three way calls, passing out dvds, killing relationships with your friends and family, putting yourself in debt, and wasting your money and time, read on...
But first  Let me explain…

I have been in multiple MLMs. I have even had success, which is more than what most MLM “associates” could say. I am not just an MLM basher, I’ve put my money, time, and heart out on the line for companies just to get burned. I’m not against anyone or any company (well, maybe a few) personally…Just trying to help those associates who are putting themselves out there for a company to be smashed…

But its no wonder that most associates haven’t had success…

This is why I hate MLMs

But why exactly do I hate MLM’s?

Well, lets first start with the faulty, inefficient business model…

Nowadays, people have defenses to sales pitches. People DON’T like being SOLD on products.MLM people are the equivalent to door to door salespeople in people’s minds. People do not want to be prospected with MLM methods. Why do you think the failure rate is so high in MLM (if you didn’t know its about 97%). Why do you think you have to talk to 100 people to get 3 to sign up, and sign up 1000 people to get 5 that will actually make you any money. I STILL get prospected by people and I can see them coming.  

Here are some funny “intro lines” I get:

“Do you keep your income options open?”

Ok, that’s just confusing? When you say that, normal people are saying to themselves, ”what are income options, what are you talking about?” Have you been caught asking this? I’m embarrassed to say that I have!
Or when I hear…
“I own my own business, I’m looking for sharp people.”

You have to understand…no one else says this other than MLMers. This just scares people. No one wants your company’s DVD that your company sells to you (interesting, huh). You’re just embarrassing yourself. Yet, these are the phrases that your company tells you to say.
“And who wants to make a list of 100 people that they can annoy with some sales pitch that is very inefficient. Why should I burn bridges with my friends because they don’t want to join the cult?”

If you read any normal marketing books, you will find that your goal as a marketer is to find hungry prospects looking for something and give it to them.  

It is not your goal as a marketer to find people that have no interest in your product and hope you can make some money off of them while they are in an emotional state.

Did you know that some trainers say that you should sign people up within the first 24-48 hours of prospecting? We wouldn’t want them to make an educated or informed decision, right?

Also, people think its WEIRD to be put on an 800 number conference call with some crazy guy talking about making $1000 a day in a month from now. Then, you have to put them on a three way call with someone who probably isn’t making any money. Be honest how many times have you lied about your income! Then, the guy making "more in his MLM then he does at his full time job" has to trick them into going to some weird business meeting that they don’t want to go to anyways and don’t even understand what exactly it is.

Its like those timeshare sharks that try to
keep pitching you until you don’t even know
what you’re signing up for.

Another large problem with the MLM business model is that a lot of the money made by the company is made by selling YOU products and hoping that you fail.

Think about it…if every associate was successful, most companies wouldn’t have the money to pay you (more on the secrets about sign up costs in a minute).

Instead, they bring you in and tell you that you have to spend a bunch of money on websites, training, conference call numbers, recruiting discs, and seminars to have success, or you’re not “serious.” Most of what carries the MLM’s is the recruiting of new blood and selling the “associates” training cds, marketing cds, weekly meetings, and on big conferences (some of these are almost cultish by the way).

I get depressed when I talk to my friends that are
still in MLM that are always “just about to hit the top position…” Some of these friends have been in these companies for 5 years or more. They still haven’t “made it big” in their company. But guess what, the company has made a lot of money off of them.

Then, lets talk about the companies themselves…

Let me start off by saying that there are two types of MLMs

Some would appear to be legitimate companies, while others are run by people that are complete scam artists. They are very close to the same. One company will just shut down and start a new one (or just sell it), then, re-recruit everyone and make money off them again. Those are the straight MLM scams. Avoid these poeple like the plague.

Remember, I am speaking from experience here. When you’ve mingled with the “heavy hitters” in MLM companies, you start learning some “secrets.”

Its time to let the secrets “leak” out…
How many times have you heard from the “superstars” in your company about how quick they made it to the top? And have you ever noticed that they probably came from another company. Maybe they actually did build up a downline in another company, but they probably didn’t in your company. But…

Many of these people have deals with your company and “swing” people from their organization and company over into the new one. Of course, they made $10k their first month, but they didn’t do it how they told you in your training classes.
That’s why you see so many “heavy hitters” joining new companies. They have built up trust with their downlines, and they bring them over to the new company and make a ton of money off of start up bonus commissions and initiation bonuses. Also, sometimes when the “superstars” have separate accounts than non “heavy hitters,” and have special payoffs from the company above the commission plan.  

I knew someone that supposedly built his business from the ground up and was always training us and giving motivational speeches. I found out later that he made a percentage off of every new associate and had brought his organization from another company. I was devastated when I found this out. I thought it would be cool to be in the “inner circle” when I was around people like this. But forget about being "in the know," I am not into making dishonest money and misrepresenting how things actually are…”

Now, some companies are worse than others, but this is one of those that has been around for a while…
The way they get around it is by threatening to sue people if they give away any “secrets.” Its like with the entertainment industry where if you are on a show you sign a contract that they will sue you for millions if you give away secrets.

Then, there’s the MLM products…

Lets be honest…most MLM products are just ridiculous.“People don’t want the latest jungle juice that supposedly will make them walk on water. They don’t want weird products or low quality services. And sorry to break the news, but your product is most likely not the 'next biggest thing.'“

How many MLM products have been around for years and are “just about to blow up.” What monkey juice that no other companies are marketing other than yours is worth hundreds of your dollars a month?

Of course the doctors say its great, because they are paid to!

Now…Lets not start about how MLM income is NOT passive income.

I’m sorry, but people aren’t going to pay for products they don’t need for a long period of time because they were tricked into buying it. As my ex-MLM, 50,00000TK in MLM a year making friend said…MLM’s a good Sales Job.”

He said this because he tried to "walk away" from his MLM, and he couldn't keep up with all the cancellations because he wasn't enrolling new people.
Now, I am all for quitting your job,

living your dreams, working from home, and living financially free.”

But how am I supposed to do that when my upline is telling me that I’ll never make it unless I blow the last of my savings on coming to the “big event.” That is not real leadership or mentorship. They are helping the company to get money out of you! That is not how you will be successful in a home business, or any business for that matter.

Think about it…insurance, real estate, franchises, and other companies that are actually big and heard of don’t have weird rally meetings with chanting "I will be a millionaire" while they listen to bad 80’s music.

Now, this is the most important thing about why MLM is outdated…

“Did you know that you can market name brand products already without sign up costs and paying out hundreds of dollars in autoships, training meetings, and poorly made replicated websites?”
And you don’t have to recruit people to make money either. No annoying your friends and family, paying for poorly targeted home business leads, or telemarketing genealogy lists. Why would you want to market weird products that no one has ever heard of that you have to pay to market? You can market name brand products for big companies that will pay you without having to be on autoship every month!

“You could live your dreams without putting yourself in a ton of debt and killing all of your friendships. You can go to the mall and just shop, not wear a slick suit and pass out business cards with cheap, poorly made marketing websites on them, while asking them to a business meeting because they work at a fashion store and 'look really sharp."

I can tell you how to start making money online right now. I will give you 5 ways to start marketing products just like you did in MLM, where you’re marketing a companies product as an affiliate, but without asking you to come to a meeting next Monday, asking you to pass out DVD’s, paying initiation fees, and NO CALLING LEADS OR A LIST OF 100!

(I'm just really drilling it in because you know you hate it even though the MLM cult members would put you on the streets if you didn't fully believe in the product and system)

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